Better Places is an innovative tour operator with a focus on responsible travel. Our vision is to develop and promote authentic and unique travel experiences which will bring the greatest possible benefit to all stakeholders – travellers, the host population and the local tourism businesses and entrepreneurs, whilst minimising our environmental impact and respecting the people and cultures in our destinations.
Responsible Tourism is about making Better Places for people to live in and Better Places for people to visit.
Responsible Tourism requires that operators, hoteliers, governments, local people and tourists take responsibility by taking action to make tourism more sustainable. We believe in leading by example. The kind of responsibility and action needed in a particular place, depends upon the local environment and culture. Tourism is one of the most important and largest industries on the planet. It accounts for 11% of the world’s GDP and 12% of its exports. It employs more people worldwide than any other industry, with millions of families relying on tourism for their daily needs. We believe that our type of individual, off-the-beaten track tourism can bring benefits to many communities, help preserve the environments we travel to see, and provide authentic and positive social exchanges. Even in Europe, tourism can help stabilize rural communities by providing much needed employment and give powerful economic reasons to preserve rapidly shrinking natural environments.
Better Places recognizes that climate change is one of the most urgent problems facing our world today and the tourism sector is a growing contributor to the problem. Travel and tourism are responsible for around 8% of global CO2 emissions. According to the UNFCC this will increase with over 25% before 2030. Our challenge is to prepare for a low-carbon society by further reducing our environmental impacts, while ensuring we preserve tourism’s social and economic benefits – both for the host community and our customers. That's why we joined Tourism Declares A Climate Emergency as one of the initiators. By signing the Tourism Declares Climate Emergency statement, we promise to reduce our CO2 emissions by 55% by 2030. In addition to that we signed the Glasgow Declaration on Climate Action in Tourism in 2021.
Better Places' aim is to refine our understanding of the strategic risks and value that sustainable development can create and to demonstrate responsible leadership in the way we address them. We have already experienced a range of business benefits from sustainability management, including quality improvements and the enhanced engagement of customers, colleagues and suppliers. Better Places continually engages with internal and external stakeholders. Communicating with those who have an interest in our company and its activities helps us develop as a business and incorporate sustainability into the way we work. Better Places engages with customers, colleagues, industry partners, suppliers, stakeholders in destinations, governments, non-governmental organisations and experts in sustainable tourism.
We cannot tackle sustainability issues alone; we need to collaborate with all stakeholders; from hotels and inbound agencies to tour leaders, local guides and clients. Engaging our customers, clients and partners in sustainability is a continuous process. Better Places publicly advocates for sustainable tourism in the media, at industry and governmental events, at our clients and amongst other audiences. We expect and help our staff and stakeholders to integrate sustainable thinking into their behaviour. Therefore we have developed this Responsible Tourism Policy, for ourselves and our partners. We expect all our partners to follow the guidelines within this policy. The aims of our Responsible Tourism Policy are:
- to educate staff, local agents, guides, crew, suppliers and clients on the importance of sensitivity to environmental, cultural and economic matters in the countries visited
- to set an example for our clients through the actions and behaviour of our tour guides, drivers, cooks and accommodation providers who act as role models
- to give practical guidance on how to achieve these objectives
- to set goals to work towards a sustainable tourism sector
Our Responsible Tourism Policy is issued to our local operators in all destinations. The policy is constantly being reviewed and we welcome feedback from all sources, so we can keep on improving our approach to responsible tourism. We will provide regular and on-going training in the principles and practices of responsible tourism, both to our office staff and those employed directly or indirectly around the world. We encourage our partners to inform us about new ideas and new tourist products.
Carbon Management
We are aware that wherever we operate, we have an impact on the environment. We aim to minimise the carbon footprint of our operations as much as possible. We engage in projects and activities that not only help us and our stakeholders to operate more sustainably, but also contribute to improving the environment.
Climate Action Plan
As part of the Tourism Declares A Climate Emergency, we have composed a Climate Action Plan to help us reduce our CO2 emissions by 55% by 2030. We are determined to reach this goal and have therefore formulated actions we need to take to reduce the CO2 emissions per passenger per year by 5%. Some of those actions are:
- collect and measure the carbon emission of all our trips, including transport taken to reach each destination
- mapping our social, economic and environmental impact at each destination
- impose a CO2 tax per passenger on ourselves and invest in sustainable energy projects
- calculating the true price of different means of transport to our destinations, including the costs for climate change, air pollution and health related causes by the transport
- use the United Nations' Social Developing Goals, to get more insight in and at the same time improve our positive impact
We have published the Climate Action Plan and shared it with relevant media, in order to be transparant about the measures we take and the results we deliver and at the same time inspire other tourism companies to follow our example.
Use of Transport
Better Places tries to ensure that vehicles used on tours should not cause more than average pollution. If alternatives exist to reduce the existing level of pollution (e.g. by using alternative means of transport or public transport), we will always consider this option.
We try to avoid domestic flights during our trips. We prefer direct flights to reach the destinations and encourage our customers to do so. For each destination we offer an 'positive impact trip', which do not include any domestic flights.
We reduce CO2 emissions of our customers by offering closer to home destinations (Europe) and encouraging clients to visit these countries by train or (electric) car. We advice to travel less frequently and for longer periods of time when visiting far-away destinations and at the same time offer alternatives within Europe for other years.
Better Places is lobbying in favor of a flight tax and VAT on airline tickets and against the expansion of our national airport. In the meantime Better Places imposes a voluntary CO2 tax on itself. We invest the amount collected in sustainable energy projects.
Ground transportation operators can promote greater fuel efficiency by ensuring that their fleets are well maintained, and by requiring drivers to switch off engines when vehicles are stationary. Better Places will not actively offer any activities that are focused on use of quad bikes, super speed boats and snowmobiles.
Internal operations
We run our office in a responsible manner by using fair-trade products, reducing our energy usage, as well as recycling. By developing our website and electronic literature, we limit the amount of paper materials we produce.
Waste Management
Sustainable waste management works with three objectives: reduce, reuse and recycle. We try to produce as little waste as possible, and separate glass, paper, toner/ink and batteries so it can be recycled.
Energy reduction
100% of lightning is energy efficient. All equipment is switched off after office hours (not on ‘standby’).
Staff mobility
The mobility of the employees consists of the travel between home and work and for business purposes. We stimulate our employees to use public transport or a bicycle to get to work. Some of our employees work from home part of their time. We encourage employees to take a train to their holiday destination, instead of a flight. We they do so, they get two additional days of holiday, to compensate for the extra travel time.
Lunch and other staff food
Our office lunch is always a 100% vegetarian. Occasionally we have an extensive team lunch, which is always a 100% vegan. During team outings or other celebrations, we always choose vegetarian or vegan restaurants.
We know that the leisure travel industry can have both positive and negative impacts on communities and the natural environment, depending on how these impacts are managed. We are committed to learning more about how our holidays can benefit local livelihoods and protect the environment – putting these insights into practice. This is fundamental to preserving the quality of our product in years to come. Better Places has an extensive supply chain operating across the globe, made up of many different kinds of tour operator and owner of accommodation, both large and small. These businesses are the gatekeepers to Better Places’s sustainability performance in our destinations, as each of them plays a significant role in managing our impacts on the local community, economy and environment. By focusing on sustainability, our suppliers are able to achieve cost efficiency savings which ultimately give customers better value for money. Our challenge is to extend the reach of our influence to all suppliers and to monitor their progress. To help both our suppliers and customers to meet these standards, we have summarised them in this checklist for responsible travel.
Supplier standards
We have introduced environmental and social contractual standards for local suppliers. All our suppliers are required to self-assess its current sustainability performance by registering on the Travelife Sustainability System and completing the online questionnaire.
Sustainable accommodation
We prefer small scale family hotels which work in a sustainable way and have an independent accreditation of for example Travelife or Green Key. We aim to include at least one overnight stay in a local homestay per trip and try to avoid international hotel chains as much as possible.
Sustainable projects we visit during our trips
In every trip we aim to include at least one visit to a project which directly supports the local economy or nature. We encourage our local suppliers to inform us of new initiatives.
Local guides and drivers
We work with local guides and drivers to create employment opportunities and give them a change to earn a fair wage through tourism. We offer training and information on social and environmental policies.
Waste management/reducing plastic water bottles.
We advice our clients to limit the amount of waste and dispose of it in a responsible way. We strive for plastic free trips by the end of 2020. To reach this goal, we advice our local suppliers about alternatives for plastic bottles. We help accommodations to switch from plastic bottles to offering a refill station. Our customers get a discount on filter bottles.
Animal welfare
The issue of animals in captivity is a sensitive one for our customers as well as for our company. Our objective is to encourage suppliers to achieve best practice in animal welfare in the captive and non-captive animal attractions to which we facilitate visits for our customers. In order to do so, we have drawn up an Animal Welfare Policy in cooperation with the World Animal Protection. We inform our suppliers and customers about our 'no touching, no feeding' policy and do not offer or promote such excursions in our itineraries.
Whale watching and dolphin watching
Better Places has chosen to offer whale watching and dolphin watching tours only under strict conditions:
- the company offering whale/dolphin watching tours meets the requirements of the regional law for responsible whale/dolphin tourism
- the company has a licence for offering whale/dolphin tours
- the company will not offer swimming with whales and dolphins in the wild, because it disturbs the natural habitat of the animals
- the company works with educated guides; on the boat there is a trained guide on board
- on board information is provided about responsible whale/dolphin tourism
- the boat can approach the whales till 100 meters and dolphins till 50 meters
- the boat must be alert in the precare zone (100-300 meters for whales and 50-150 meters for dolphins)
- there may not be more than three boats in the precare zone
- when the animals are having babies, you can not approach them closer than 300 meters
- the boat is not allowed to spend more than 15 minutes at the same group of whales/dolphins
- to prevent collisions you are not allowed to approach them from front or back. The boat approaches them from them from the side-back.
- if the animals show any signs of disturbance, the excursion will be stopped
- it is forbidden to chase the animals
- it is not allowed to copy the sounds of the animals when being on tour
- the material on the boat may never injure the animals
- the company will reduce the use of water, energy, noise and waste as much as possible.
Nature conservation
Nature and wildlife are key parts of our tours, yet just the pressure of sheer numbers of visitors can do serious damage to wildlife and sensitive sites. We provide information to our clients so they can experience the natural environment while protecting it for others to enjoy in the future.
Working conditions in tourism sector
Local crew should not be given an unreasonable workload. Working hours should be reasonable and safe within local regulations and not involve dangerous practices in carrying out the job.
Code of Conduct for Porters
We support the guidelines of the International Porter Protection Group (IPPG). Below the guidelines that we want to respect:
- Selection of Porters: guides from the area where the trekking takes place have priority above guides from elsewhere
- Minimum Age: No porters under the age of 16 will be employed. The age will be checked with the porter’s identity card.
- Wages: All staff will receive a fair wage and payment. Tips must be distributed openly and fairly. The wage will be fair and will include porter’s food. All porters will be paid for the duration of the climb.
- Accommodation: Accommodation is provided and climber’s park fees cover this cost. No porter will have to sleep outside; they will either sleep in huts or tents.
- Loads: No porter should be asked to carry a load that is too heavy for their physical abilities (maximum: 20 kg on Kilimanjaro, 25 kg in Peru and 18 kg in Nepal). Weight limits may need to be adjusted for altitude, trail and weather conditions. Our clients will be told what the maximum luggage is they can take with them on a trek. A porter will carry the luggage of a maximum of two people.
- Clothing All: staff will have correct clothing, that is sufficient to stand the coldness on mountains and sun glasses, hats and/or sunscreen to protect them from strong UV-light at high altitudes.
- Medical Care: All medical bills will be paid for staff taken ill during the climb. Staff will be evacuated from the mountain if they become ill and will nevertheless be paid for the whole climb.
- Client Awareness and Behaviour: Porters and clients will be introduced by name at the start of the trek. Clients will be given advice on how much to tip and the procedure for tipping.
Child protection
In many countries that we visit, you can find children at work at a young age. We want to work according to the guidelines of the International Labour Organisation (ILO). Not all work done by children should be classified as child labour that is to be targeted for elimination. Children’s or adolescents’ participation in work that does not affect their health and personal development or interfere with their schooling, is generally regarded as being something positive. In the tourism sector we have noticed several forms of child labour, that we want to eliminate:
- children below 18 years driving cars (also in countries where it is common to drive as a child, it is NOT allowed on Better Places tours)
- children below 16 years that work as porters (heavy loads); we only want to work with adult porters
- children that work many hours in bars, hotels, restaurants
- children that work on a (almost) daily basis in the entertainment industry (dancing, singing etc.).
- children that are working as guides on a (almost) daily basis
Code of Conduct against Child Sex Tourism
We recognise that the sexual exploitation of children is a world-wide problem. In all our activities and operations we actively disagree with all kinds of sexual exploitation of children all over the world.
Working with stakeholders in destinations
Better Places has many close partnerships with stakeholders such as NGO’s around the globe, not only ensuring we operate responsibly but also to support their work and to build awareness in our customers about important issues in the tourism industry.
Our colleagues and local partners
Our aim is to make sustainable development tangible to each and every colleague/local partner within our business. We communicate regularly about the progress we have made on our journey towards securing a sustainable future for our industry. We have included sustainability into our inductions and training programs.
Tourism is part of the service sector and highly customer focused. This implies that its human capital is of the highest importance to a tour operator. Proper labour conditions can assure a high level of satisfaction and motivation among staff members. Moreover, it has a positive effect on the organisation’s continuity and its competitive strength in the long run.
Better Places respects elementary human rights such as non-discrimination, freedom of assembly, no forced labour and no child labour. To guarantee our suppliers comply with these conditions, we have formulated a Code of Conduct that forms an integral part of Better Places’ contract with its suppliers.
Communication and training
We actively communicate with our office staff and local partners on environmental and social issues, through team meetings, direct mail, newsletters and social media.
Training is important at all levels, life-long learning and the development of transferable skills are encouraged. All employees receive training and information on social and environmental policies. By offering trainee positions, both a social obligation and the need for future staff recruitment is fulfilled.
All employees have followed the Travelife training.
Payment and labour conditions of employees in tourism sector
- We expect from our agents or hoteliers to pay their workers a fair salary that is at least the minimum wage, preferable more than this. None of the employees from our agents should depend completely on the tips from the tourists.
- We find it important that the employees in tourism will get paid in time according to the contract which is made between the employee and employer. Delay in payment cannot be accepted.
- It is also important that the crew on a tour will get a sufficient amount of money to run the tours (for example to pay for fuel, accommodation etc.), so they will not have trouble of using their own pocket money for these payments that are the responsibility of the agent.
- The employees will get opportunities for skills development training.
We have been proactive in raising awareness of sustainability issues with our customers. On social media we encourage interaction with customers on sustainable travel. To achieve our goals we need customers’ support both through the purchases they make and the personal actions they take. Sustainability is still not the major deciding factor for most people when they choose a holiday, but it is in the interests of our destinations and the environment that it becomes a strong influencing factor. We will therefore continue to engage with customers and aim to become their travel company of choice because of our sustainability approach as well as our quality of product and value for money. We aim to raise awareness, influence choice, change behaviour, and develop and promote new products to encourage responsible holiday choices. We do carry out (consumer) research on sustainable travel on a regular base.
We provide ample opportunity to contribute to conservation and development projects that bring tangible benefits to local people and the environment. This is done in the following ways:
* Through our website, newsletters and social media: we have a wealth of information about sustainable tourism.
* During the trip: clients are given trip notes which outlines our Responsible Travel Policy and tips. Guests are invited to contribute to destination projects.
* After our trips: We request feedback from customers on the environmentally and socially responsible aspects of their holiday.
Communicating sustainability during a holiday
Our tour leaders play an important role in informing our customers on responsible travel. At the start of a trip all our customers receive a leaflet with responsible travel tips aimed at the destination in question.
Use of water
Water should ALWAYS be used sparingly. Even in countries with seemingly ample water supply, energy is used in sewage and clean water processing; overuse could be depleting the water table and causing further pollution. ALL should follow the following policy:
- Consider taking a shower rather than a bath
- Consider whether you really need two showers a day or if one would sufficient
- Do not leave water to run (e.g. when brushing your teeth)
- In delicate areas do not take water from springs if not necessary – you may be depriving local people
- Does the provision of hot water for personal washing mean burning more fuel or is it solar generated?
- If using ‘bucket’ showers or similar, turn off water supply whilst soaping up
- Dirty water, e.g. from washing dishes, should be disposed of by scattering over ground at least 30m (100ft) away from water source / river if a drain is not available
- Do not use non-biodegradable soap in lakes or streams. Locate sources selling bio-degradable products where possible and use these products
- Do not pour oily water into streams
- Wash dishes in a bowl / sink rather than running tap as this uses less water
Use of energy
- Advise clients to turn off air-conditioning, lights, TVs and fans when not in room and consider not using air-conditioning, or only when it is very warm.
- Look out for any hotels that use more sustainable resources – e.g. hotels with solar panels.
- Check if hotels recycle any goods and encourage others to adopt the system if it works.
- We do not encourage our drivers to let the cars run the engine for more than three minutes before setting off.
Use of firewood/Campfires
- Try to have only an occasional fire as a treat, as it depletes natural resources / causes smoke pollution / may rob local people of their only fuel source.
- Charcoal is not an environmentally friendly fuel source as you cannot be sure that the wood it is made from is from a sustainable source. Therefore we prefer to minimize the use of charcoal. We encourage our agents and hotels to use gaz or electricity instead of charcoal.
- Wood collected should be dead wood off the ground only. Do not strip branches from trees as what looks dead to you may be just dry or dormant
- Keep the fire small
- Use a pre-existing fire ring where possible or the site of a previous fire
- Only paper goods should be burned on the campfire. Even light plastics generate toxic fumes.
- Be aware of fire hazards and local fire regulations
- On leaving camp, the campfire should be ‘dug in’ so that (i) you can be sure it is out and (ii) it is not an unsightly mess.
Litter and waste disposal and reduction of waste
The following policy should be adhered to when disposing of rubbish from camps at nature areas:
- Items that should be burned: paper & card*
- Items that should be buried: vegetable & food waste*
- Items that should be carried out: plastics, glass & cans. Rubbish should always be disposed of where it is sure to be collected*
*NB in national parks we will have to follow the guidelines of the national parks.
Litter is a huge problem in many countries where there is limited or no infrastructure for waste disposal, let alone recycling facilities. The first step is to ensure that we minimise our use of resources in the first place -in order to generate less waste. Then we try to ensure that waste is disposed of in the most effective way possible.
- Litter should always be disposed of responsibly. It is absolutely forbidden to throw trash out of the window when we are travelling. Therefore the local agent should provide a rubbish bin in the vehicle.
- Cigarette buts should not be dropped on streets / behind bushes / overboard boats etc. but put in a rubbish bin or in pocket until a rubbish bin is available. We recommend smokers carry a receptacle to collect their butts. Plastic film cases are excellent for this and reduce the smell!
- On boats, rubbish must be carried back to facilities on shore and never dumped over the side of the boat or hidden behind rocks.
- Campsites should be checked for all litter before departing, including bottle tops and cigarette ends. Customers and crew should help in this respect.
- Check if any recycling facility exists locally and use it where possible.
- Avoid causing plastic waste, like buying single use water bottles and shopping bags, travel size soaps and shampoos, etc. Take a reusable water bottle and/or a filter bottle.
Sanitation and toilets
- In some countries toilet paper and sanitary protection cannot be put down the toilet as the sewage system is not able to cope with non-human waste. In these cases we advise clients appropriately and ensure that bins are emptied regularly.
- When we camp at a place where no toilets are available, the tour leader will always point out the area where people can go into the bush for toilet facilities. People can burry their faeces. Therefore the agent should provide clients with a shovel. It is NOT allowed to leave any toilet paper behind. In wet areas people may burn the toilet paper; in dry areas toilet paper should be thrown in a dustbin.
Respecting animal welfare
- Never feed animals/fish. Giving them food other than or additional to what they usually eat is likely to make them ill or makes them dependent, so they cannot survive on their own in the wild
- Do not pursue animals, thus distressing them, for the sake of a photo / better look
- Do not try to touch animals/fish; apart from being dangerous, it can distress them
- Never pick flowers / leaves.
- When snorkelling or diving, do not stand on coral – or even touch it
- Never anchor a boat on a coral reef. Use a mooring buoy / platform, moor on beach or drop anchor on sand. If this is not possible, snorkel or dive elsewhere.
- Where domesticated animals are used for transport on tours we try to ensure that animals are well cared for and have no signs of mistreatment, illness or malnourishment
- We do not offer elephant rides or any other activities that include direct contact with elephants (e.g. washing and feeding).
- Do not participate in activities that involve direct contact (touching and feeding) with wild animals.
- Wildlife has a right to a wild life. Enjoy wildlife responsibly.
Souvenirs: antique, coral, shells, ivory, butterflies etc.
Be aware of goods that may be manufactured through child labour and local laws regarding purchase and export of antiquities. Do not buy items derived from endangered / fragile species (flora and fauna). Be aware which goods are made from forbidden animals or plants. It is forbidden to take such souvenirs to Europe, and you risk a big fine. Here is a list of examples of products/materials that are forbidden:
- any type of coral and products made of corals
- all big shells
- ivory and products made of ivory
- cactuses or orchids (e.g. rain sticks are made of cactuses and are forbidden)
- Chinese medicines and plasters
- any products made of the skins of tortoises, crocodiles, snakes, big cats
- butterflies and parrots
For more information: www.cites.org
Food and meals
Do not eat food from endangered / fragile species. Ensure game is sourced from a managed cull. As with objects, be aware which goods are from sustainable sources. Besides ‘bush meat’ and meat from endangered species, we also advise not to eat: tortoise eggs, bird nest soup, whale meat and shark fin soup.
We encourage clients to choose a vegetarian or vegan diet during their trip. This will lower their personal CO2 impact and guarantee they won't accidentally participate in animal cruelty. Also, it lowers the risk of becoming ill from contaminated meat or fish.
Cultural differences: hierarchy, gender etc.
- Crew should be treated as equals socially. Where the crew work with or accompany the clients, the guides encourage interaction, whilst respecting the individual’s wishes for privacy. Respect for social and cultural diversity is important.
- When visiting local people, we will always behave according to norms and values in the particular community. Sensitivity to the host culture is important. For example: we ask permission from the village chief to visit the families.
Gifts and presents
- It is not advisable to give any money, sweets, gifts, medicines or presents to children, neither to adults.
- We discourage giving to beggars that are begging to tourists only/in particular. Whilst in many countries some people depend on begging for their livelihood, we regard giving money as a short-term solution to a more fundamental problem. Better Places tries to find ways we and our customers can offer more long -term support to the communities visited by supporting local charities and projects.
- If people want to help children in need, we advice to give some donations to non-governmental organisations which are focussing on special target groups, such as children, orphans, handicapped persons etc. We advice clients to consult their local travel agent which charities focusses on long term and sustainable help.
- Where possible, we will inform our clients about a development project or organisation within this destination. It is preferable that this organisation is supported by a Dutch foundation and has a website, so clients will have the possibility to give follow-up by contacting this foundation.
Visiting schools, orphanages or development projects
- We believe children are not a tourist attraction and therefore we do not offer visits to schools, daycare centers and orphanages.
- We do not offer excursions or volunteering with vulnerable people (e.g. children in schools and orphanages)
- We do not encourage to give presents and/or money to development projects, schools and orphanages, without consulting your local travel expert first. From a cultural perspective hand-outs can be received as an insult or they can divide communities
Visiting ancient sites
When visiting ancient sites, the tour guide must inform the clients about certain regulations:
- Do not touch ancient monuments, as oils, acid and dirt from hands can cause erosion.
- Respect laws against flash photography in sites as the bright light can cause damage to frescoes etc.
- Do not pick up stones, fossils or potsherds. These are part of the site!
- Keep to the set paths.
- Never climb on or over ruins / walls.
Overtourism and traveling in low season
Try to plan visits to popular destinations and sites outside of the high season. Prevent overtourism by planning your holiday to lesser-known destinations, traveling off the beaten track and planning your trip in the low- or shoulder season.
We inform our clients about photographing. The following general advises is given and besides this, each specific destination might have some specified instructions:
- Always ask permission in advance when making photographs of a person or his property (for example, his house or his cattle).
- Never make photographs secretly; if people do not want to be photographed we have to respect it.
- If people ask money to be photographed, it is good to check out whether this is the norm in this community. We do not encourage to pay for photographing people, except when this is the social norm for tourists like for instance the Ethiopian Orthodox priest in Lalibela or the Maasai in Kenya. In these cases it is advisable to discuss the price in advance. In some cases the prices are quite fixed and the tour leader will inform you about this.
- When visiting certain small villages, schools or compounds (mainly in West Africa), the tour leader will ask permission to make photographs and not until permission is given, clients are allowed to make photographs. It is respectful to meet, listen and talk first, before taking out the cameras of the bags.
- Do not make promises to send the photographs if you are not sure to keep your promises.
Dress code
We inform our clients about the dress code in each particular country, village etc. In the first briefing the tour guide will mention the general dress code and on particular events or visits the tour guide will advise clients how to dress.
- Encourage clients to dress appropriately to the local norm, even if other visitors do not.
- In Islamic areas tourists must dress according to what the local people expect from them. It is respectful to dress properly. In one country it means that women may have to cover their hair, while in another country wearing long trousers and long sleeves is sufficient.
Foods and Crafts
We promote local sourcing of food and other local products. We encourage our clients to visit local bars and restaurants and experience local products and cuisine. Our tour guides educate our customers about local food and crafts and encourage their appreciation, this can help to make a real difference to the preservation of local skills and jobs.
Visiting tribal groups
- All advises concerning photographing, begging, dressing etc. should be taken into account very strictly.
- All tourists should realise that they are ‘guests’ in the communities that are visited.
- We have to inform ourselves about the cultural issues, such as the way of greeting, payments, bringing presents, asking questions etc. The tour leader will inform clients about how to show respect to the community. (A good example is that it is polite to take time for greeting a family instead of making photographs quickly.)
- We will always try to find a local guide within the tribal group who can explain about the culture in English/Spanish/French.
- Tourists and crew should not take the freedom to walk around on a private compound without asking permission. Realise that this is private property and some areas might be holy and are not allowed to walk.
- Tourists should not give money to individuals. If they want to donate something, it is good to donate to a community project (in some cultures you need to contact the chief). Ask you local travel agents for more information.
Clients are advised to give a fair, reasonable tip to the local guides, cleaners, cook, drivers etc. Tipping is very important but we can never force clients to tip, as it is voluntary. Our advises for local crew depends on the work, the country, the currency etc. We will brief our clients that what tipping means to us (our culture) is much different from what it means for the crew (their culture), so they are aware that tipping is very important.